
Is History

Honoring our heritage.
Embracing a brighter future.

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Our Vision

We see a Columbus that is vibrant, inclusive, and proud of its name—a name chosen by its people, for its people. Let’s reimagine our identity and move forward with purpose.

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How to Help

Learn more about what you can do to bring the movement to fruition.

In Name Only

Welcome to the Future of the Capital City

Why Rename Columbus?

Own Our City

Renaming offers a chance for a fresh start, a rebrand that could lead to positive attention and renewed pride in our city. A new name can be a rallying point, inviting businesses, tourists, and residents to be part of a city that is proactively looking to its future.

Respect for Indigenous Peoples

The current name, Columbus, hearkens back to Christopher Columbus, a figure now widely recognized for his harmful actions towards indigenous communities. We believe in honoring the original inhabitants of this land by selecting a name that reflects unity and respect.

Forward Momentum

As our city grows and evolves, so too should its identity. Renaming presents an opportunity for us to define ourselves by our aspirations, rather than our history.

Community Unity

This isn’t just about a name—it’s about creating a city that truly represents all of its inhabitants. Let’s choose a name together that stands for unity, progress, and diversity.

How You Can Help

Share Your Voice

We want to hear from you! What names do you envision for our beautiful city? Join our brainstorming sessions and have your say.

Spread the Word

Use #RedefineColumbus on social media to join the conversation and raise awareness.

Attend Workshops

Engage in community dialogues, learn about the history, and be a part of the decision-making process.


Help us fuel the movement with your generous contributions. Your support will go towards community outreach, education, and renaming initiatives.

